Please complete this form if you require Financial Assistance. This will help us to understand your financial circumstances and support you in the best way moving forward. We’ll contact you within 14 days to assess your request and provide you with an outcome.
If at any time, you feel like you’d rather talk to somebody instead, then please call us on 1800 110 440 and select option 2 for the Financial Assistance Team.
Our Privacy Policy includes details on how you can access information we hold about you, how you can correct information if you believe it isn’t accurate, the names and contact details of credit reporting bodies and other entities we may share your information with (including the types of information we share and your rights in relation to that information), and what to do if you believe we’ve breached the Privacy Act, Australian Privacy Principles or the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code (including how we’ll handle your complaint). This policy is available at