Security questions allow you to reset your password in online banking. You’ll also enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having an extra layer of security to keep your account out of the wrong hands.
How to set up security questions
Click ‘Security Questions’ on the left-hand side menu, found under ‘Services’ on the ‘Account Overview’ screen.
Click the ‘Edit your security questions’ button. We’ll send a one-time security code to your registered mobile phone or email to enable editing mode.

Enter the one-time security code and click the ‘Continue’ button.

Click in the ‘Security Question 1’ box and select a question you’ll find easy to remember. Enter your answer using the words and format you will remember. Complete the remaining security questions.

Click the ‘Save’ button. If successful, a confirmation message will appear at the top of the page to let you know your security questions were updated.